April 29, 2008

As the sweat dripped off my skin I remember thinking that there were three main keys to winning in anything.
The first is clarity of purpose. Knowing what you want; being able to picture what you want; and being able to imagine having what you want so deeply that you feel as if you already have it.
In my particular case during that particular year, it was winning the gold medal. I imagined winning it while I trained; while I ran hill sprints; while I sparred and practiced. I saw the medal around my neck long before tournament time.
The second key to winning is recognizing that you don't yet have the thing you are imagining. You still have to go out and get it.
This, sadly, is where almost all self-development programs error. They tell you to visualize what you want - but there is usually not a means to check off where you are in relation to your desire. Refusal to look at where you are is like taking bad medicine. In order for a map to work, there has to be a Point B (your destination) as well as your Point A (starting point).
The third key to winning is the willingness to cooperate with the forces of nature. By this I mean, you don't simply sit back and expect it to happen. You are open, ready and willing to move heaven and earth - if need be - to make your goal become a reality. You get off your butt and race into action. And you balance the amount of action you take with rest, reflection and an expectation that all will work out if you allow it to.